Are You Committed to the Red Letters of Jesus?

by Ann Reed

Here we are, beginning the Red Letter Challenge.  I thought it might be interesting to reflect on the beginning, and then to reflect again at the end of the study.  

For me, one challenge to face will be keeping up the pace.  I’m much like the hare in "The Tortoise and the Hare”; a big start and a slow finish.  It will take resolve and a lot of prayer to finish well.  

Another challenge will be to really take an honest look at where I am in my Christian walk.  I get used to mediocre and find that it is sometimes a comfortable place to be.  Growing spiritually is never really comfortable in the process.  I guess it is a “no pain/no gain philosophy.”  But honestly, the Church throughout the country is in a hard place.  If we are going to make a difference, we have to step up and be accounted for.  Easy to say, harder to do.

What makes this challenge great is that we are all in it together.  If we are struggling, others can back us up with prayer.  If we are being successful, we can be the backup prayer warriors.  I cannot imagine how wonderful it will be for God to use us in a mighty way!  What will that even look like?

I hope that if you have not committed to this study, you will think about it.  There are times when we are not “there”.  I know this and shared it during Easter.  But, if God is leading you, if you are dissatisfied with how your walk is, if you are excited to grow, then JUMP IN!  It’s gonna be GREAT!

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