Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our church participates in a number of different ministries. The church regularly contributes to foreign missionaries in Russia and Africa (Pastor Philip), as well as missionaries in the US. We are very proud of our youth group who oversees Pastor Philip's support through our special Sunday school offerings. The church also supports the Sound Mind recovery ministry in Lester and Welch. One of our family, Matthew Adams, is doing a wonderful job at the Welch facility. In addition, the church supports Baptist Campus Ministries through the West Virginia Baptist Convention. This ministry is a blessing to college students all over the state. There are several other programs supported by the church.
Another important ministry is our food pantry, which provides food boxes and baskets to needy families in our community. This would not be possible without the dedication and passion of Bob and Margie Adams. They have taken ownership of this ministry, making sure our church shares not only food, but the gospel of Jesus Christ. A related program is the "Senior Supper" ministry for community senior citizens 65 and older. The committee greatly appreciates the work of organizers Ann Reed and Kim Cook, along with the many women and men who assist in making this one of our most successful ministries.
Our church assists with emergency expenses, utility bill expenses, and travel expenses if possible.
Finally, the mission committee's "home mission/community needs" ministry assists with material projects for those in need. From cleaning and repairing gutters for the elderly to building and installing porches, decks and ramps, the church is blessed to have men and women who give of their time and talents to accomplish these projects.
Again, the mission committee thanks the members of our church. From your faithful giving, to the men and women who give of their time and skills to assist in the various ministries, God bless you all for your part in our ministries!
Another important ministry is our food pantry, which provides food boxes and baskets to needy families in our community. This would not be possible without the dedication and passion of Bob and Margie Adams. They have taken ownership of this ministry, making sure our church shares not only food, but the gospel of Jesus Christ. A related program is the "Senior Supper" ministry for community senior citizens 65 and older. The committee greatly appreciates the work of organizers Ann Reed and Kim Cook, along with the many women and men who assist in making this one of our most successful ministries.
Our church assists with emergency expenses, utility bill expenses, and travel expenses if possible.
Finally, the mission committee's "home mission/community needs" ministry assists with material projects for those in need. From cleaning and repairing gutters for the elderly to building and installing porches, decks and ramps, the church is blessed to have men and women who give of their time and talents to accomplish these projects.
Again, the mission committee thanks the members of our church. From your faithful giving, to the men and women who give of their time and skills to assist in the various ministries, God bless you all for your part in our ministries!