Sunday School
CMBC invites you to Sunday School
9:45 am Every Sunday!
or join us via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89900865957?pwd=bWs3OFdBYWplWms3d3VUdW5CaFhyZz09
Why should I attend Sunday School?
It's a fair question. The answer to that question should compel you not only attend, but be excited about the opportunity.
At CMBC, we enjoy a healthy and diverse Sunday School experience. Just as our Worship service provides for a time of fellowship with each other and communion with our Heavenly Father, our Sunday School experience is designed to share a time of group fellowship, best coffee in Pineville, followed by classes designed to meet the current needs of attendees. We regularly gather feed back and match capable teachers with Bible-centered lessons to help everyone grow in grace and knowledge. Our goal is that you will make friendships that you will cherish, your faith will grow stronger, and your walk with Christ will be brought to a new level.
It's a fair question. The answer to that question should compel you not only attend, but be excited about the opportunity.
At CMBC, we enjoy a healthy and diverse Sunday School experience. Just as our Worship service provides for a time of fellowship with each other and communion with our Heavenly Father, our Sunday School experience is designed to share a time of group fellowship, best coffee in Pineville, followed by classes designed to meet the current needs of attendees. We regularly gather feed back and match capable teachers with Bible-centered lessons to help everyone grow in grace and knowledge. Our goal is that you will make friendships that you will cherish, your faith will grow stronger, and your walk with Christ will be brought to a new level.